Addiction Treatment Center in Indiana | Sunrise Recovery


Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Program

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment in Indiana

At Sunrise Recovery, we understand the profound impact that prescription drug addiction can have on individuals and their families. Located in Indiana, our addiction rehab centers offers specialized treatment programs tailored to address the complexities of prescription drug addiction. Our comprehensive approach combines evidence-based therapies, medical support, and compassionate care to help individuals break free from the cycle of addiction and reclaim their lives.

Prescription drug addiction is a growing concern, affecting countless individuals who may have initially started using medication for legitimate medical reasons. Unlike illicit drug addiction, prescription drug addiction often begins with a doctor’s prescription and can be harder to recognize due to the legal nature of these medications. However, the consequences of dependency are just as severe, leading to physical, psychological, and social challenges. At Sunrise Recovery, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care to help those struggling with this specific form of addiction.

Our Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment program in Indiana focuses on a holistic approach to recovery. We offer personalized treatment plans that include detoxification, individual and group therapy, and aftercare support. By addressing the root causes of addiction and providing ongoing support, we empower our patients to achieve lasting sobriety. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you have the tools and resources needed for a successful recovery journey.

Choosing the right treatment center is crucial for overcoming prescription drug addiction. At Sunrise Recovery, we pride ourselves on creating a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can heal and grow. If you or a loved one is struggling with prescription drug addiction in Indiana, reach out to us today to learn more about our comprehensive treatment options and begin your path to recovery.

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prescription drug addiction treatment in indiana

Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction

Recognizing the signs of prescription drug addiction is crucial in seeking timely help for yourself or a loved one. Prescription drug addiction can develop insidiously, often beginning with the legitimate use of medication prescribed for pain, anxiety, or other medical conditions. However, over time, this use can evolve into dependency and addiction. Understanding the warning signs can be the first step toward recovery.

Physical Signs

Behavioral Signs

Psychological Signs

When to Seek Help

If you recognize any of these signs in yourself or a loved one, it’s essential to seek professional help. Prescription drug addiction is a serious condition that requires specialized treatment. 

At Sunrise Recovery in Indiana, we offer comprehensive Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment programs designed to address the unique challenges of this addiction. 

Our team of experienced professionals is here to provide support, guidance, and evidence-based therapies to help you or your loved one achieve lasting recovery.

Take the First Step Today

Don’t wait until the situation worsens. If you suspect prescription drug addiction, contact Sunrise Recovery today. Our compassionate team is ready to help you navigate the path to recovery and reclaim a healthier, drug-free life. 

Recognizing the signs of addiction is the first step toward making a positive change. Let us support you on your journey to recovery.

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Program

Most Common Addictive Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs, when used often for recreational purposes lead to serious cases of addiction. There are a lot of prescription drugs that can lead the patients towards the serious issue of addiction.

Some of the most common prescriptive drug addictions are:

The constant use of these drugs can become a serious issue for patients. Because all of these fall under the category of prescriptive medications, there isn’t an initial taboo associated with it. This makes the addiction easier for the patients and is even more difficult to detect the initial case of addiction up until the time it becomes serious.

Drugs like Vicodin and Oxycontin which are prescribed to relieve patients from acute pain can sometimes lead to constant abuse which ultimately leads to serious addiction. It gives the patients an illusion of comfort by creating a calming effect. 

Different drugs have different effects on users. Some prescription drugs can give a sense of high energy, some make the patients at ease and give them a calming effect and some may even give a sense of euphoria.

There are also stimulants and other narcotic drugs which produce a similar effect in the mind of the patients. This can make the patient addicted to the prescribed drugs to get away from reality and drown themselves in the world of comfort that is created by the illusion effect of prescription drugs. 

Prescription drug addiction can be extremely serious but because people aren’t aware of the gravity of the issue that it can create, it is extremely important to make people understand the concept of prescription drug addiction so that they don’t abuse their prescribed medicine for recreational purposes.

Other Addiction Treatment Programs

Types of Addiction We Treat

Opiate Addiction

Compulsive use of opioids despite harmful consequences and dependency issues.

Drug Addiction

Compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful physical and psychological effects.

Prescription Drug Addiction

Dependence on prescribed medications, leading to misuse.

Heroin Addiction

Intense craving for heroin, leading to compulsive use and dependence.

Vicodin Addiction

Dependence on Vicodin, causing misuse and severe physical and psychological effects.

Fentanyl Addiction

Severe dependence on fentanyl, leading to dangerous misuse and health risks.

Oxycontin addiction

OxyContin dependence causes compulsive use and significant health consequences.

Cocaine Addiction

Compulsive cocaine use leading to severe physical, mental, and social consequences.

Benzodiazepine Addiction

Dependence on benzodiazepines causes misuse and serious health.

Meth Addiction

Intense methamphetamine cravings lead to compulsive use.

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Program

Cost of Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment in Indiana

The prescription drug addiction treatment can be done through inpatient and outpatient programs as well. Usually, the inpatient program is recommended for the treatment process. However, it depends on the severity of the addiction and the mindset of the patient as well. 

The cost of prescription drug addiction treatment is again dependent on the program that the patient enrolls in. The outpatient program is relatively less expensive than the inpatient program. The cost of treating addiction is covered by insurance in most rehab centers.

At Sunrise Recovery in Indiana, most of the insurances are covered so that the patient doesn’t have to worry about paying the bills and can divert their attention to treating themselves with the help of medical professionals. It is really important to be in a loving and safe environment where the chances of relapse don’t occur.

The cost of treating prescription drug addiction includes all the processes from counseling, detoxification process, self-help guides to the medication-assisted treatment process, and several therapies from individual to group and family as well. 

The duration of treatment depends on the situation of the patients as well as their physical and mental ability to cope with the changes that their minds and bodies go through.


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