Addiction Treatment Center in Indiana | Sunrise Recovery

Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opiate Addiction Treatment in Indiana

Opiate addiction is the form of addiction when the patients abuse the prescribed opiate medication and use it for recreational use in large quantities than prescribed. Opiate addiction, although it might not be known as a common form of addiction to the people there are grave repercussions to using this type of prescribed medication.

On one hand, regular use of opiate not only harms the physical wellbeing of the patients but also makes them addicted to the drug resulting in several mental abnormalities and diseases. The withdrawal symptoms can be very difficult to deal with such as depression, anxiety to excruciating pain and insomnia amongst others.

To cope with the addiction, several rehab centers provide the treatment to deal with the addiction to opiate. Sunrise Recovery in Indiana, is one of the preferred rehabs for the patients to help them understand the effects of the addiction and treat them for the same.

This opiate addiction treatment in Indiana provides all the necessary steps to aid the patients in transforming their lives and giving them a life free of addiction.

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Opiate Addiction Treatment in Indiana

Some of the commonly prescribed opiates are as follows:

These drugs are prescribed by the doctors to the patients according to their needs at that time keeping in mind the factors such as the strength, level of pain, and the condition of the patients.

Opiate Addiction Treatment

What Is Opiate And Types Of Opiates?

To understand the consequences and effects of abusing a prescribed drug like Opiate, it is necessary to know what is Opiate and its types. Opioids are the medications that are prescribed by the medical professionals to help patients in relieving the physical pain that can be extremely excruciating and persistent.

For example, the opiate drug is prescribed by the doctors in case of severe injury, or pain associated with grave diseases like cancer and while recovering from painful surgeries.

Although the drug is specifically prescribed in the case of severe pain, the feel-good factor or the feeling of being free from pain can lead the patient to pursue this drug even after the injury is healed or even after the pain isn’t there.

The constant use of this drug leads to what we know as prescribed drug addiction. Different types of opiates result in a different form of addiction.

Signs of Opiate Addiction

As with any other drug addiction, the body and mind of the patients show several signs in case of addiction which again is caused by neglecting the effects and using it for recreational purposes over a length of time.

There are several signs of opiate addiction which can vary from patient to patient as it depends on the strength of the opiate, the level of abuse, and the duration of time for which the prescribed medications are abused.

However, one very crucial sign towards self-diagnosing the opiate addiction is probably knowing that the patient can’t let go of taking the drugs even under normal circumstances.

The human body is designed to work towards building healthier functions from mental to physical and in the case of opiate addiction too, there are several signs your body shows to let you know that you are under the grip of addiction.

When a patient takes a prescribed drug like opiate without the consent of the doctor and puts the usage of the drug as their priority and lets go of other responsibilities towards themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally, there is a high chance that the patient is suffering from opiate drug addiction.

It is really important to take the signs seriously so that the patient can get help and undergo treatment procedures before it becomes too serious.

Opiate addiction is a serious case of prescribed drug addiction and the patient should not ignore the signs, however big or small. 

The quicker the patient understands the sign, the easier it is for the patient to be free from the addiction to the prescribed drugs.

Some of the Signs Related to the Mental Aspects

The Physical Signs of Opiate Addiction

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Types of Addiction We Treat

Opiate Addiction

Compulsive use of opioids despite harmful consequences and dependency issues.

Drug Addiction

Compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful physical and psychological effects.

Prescription Drug Addiction

Dependence on prescribed medications, leading to misuse.

Heroin Addiction

Intense craving for heroin, leading to compulsive use and dependence.

Vicodin Addiction

Dependence on Vicodin, causing misuse and severe physical and psychological effects.

Fentanyl Addiction

Severe dependence on fentanyl, leading to dangerous misuse and health risks.

Oxycontin addiction

OxyContin dependence causes compulsive use and significant health consequences.

Cocaine Addiction

Compulsive cocaine use leading to severe physical, mental, and social consequences.

Benzodiazepine Addiction

Dependence on benzodiazepines causes misuse and serious health.

Meth Addiction

Intense methamphetamine cravings lead to compulsive use.

Opiate Addiction Treatment

How Opiate Addiction Treatment in Indiana Works?

Opiate Addiction Detoxification in Indiana

Opiate addiction treatment, like any other drug treatment, undergoes several procedures and medical assistance to help overcome the patients from their addiction to the drugs. First of all, it is essential to diagnose the level of addiction in each patient. As each patient’s bodily and mental functions differ from each other and thus the treatment process might also vary.

The main purpose of treating patients with opiate addiction is to assist the patients to stop the usage of drugs and lead them towards recovery from the addiction. As the patients have to deal with several withdrawal symptoms which although varies on the intensity level, they do face several issues such as cramps, anxiety, severe muscle pain, and even depression.

Once the patient is diagnosed, they go through the detoxification process to get rid of the toxins that are caused due to the constant abuse of drugs and negligence of the physical and mental health of a patient.

The treatment is done with the help of medical assistance and the patients are given medications to help them in the treatment process.


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