Addiction Treatment Center in Indiana | Sunrise Recovery


Co-Occurring Disorders and Rehabilitation in Indiana

When exploring addiction treatment, it’s crucial to grasp the concepts of dual diagnosis and comorbidity to understand how local resources, such as rehab facilities in Indiana, can be beneficial. Essentially, a deeper knowledge of dual diagnosis empowers you to support your loved one through their unique challenges.
Learning about dual diagnosis is vital because addressing the underlying mental health issues can significantly aid in overcoming substance abuse problems. Before discussing common treatment approaches, let’s examine comorbidity for a clearer understanding of the issue.

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

Often, mental health disorders—like depression or post-traumatic stress disorder—serve as triggers for substance abuse. In some cases, these mental health challenges may arise after the onset of substance use problems. Unfortunately, this situation is quite common.
Data indicates that approximately half of individuals with a mental disorder will experience some form of substance abuse at some point in their lives, and the reverse can also be true.
A significant challenge for those facing both substance abuse and mental health issues is that they often influence one another, with each condition worsening the symptoms and problems associated with the other.
Mental health disorders are serious conditions that can lead individuals to adopt negative coping mechanisms, such as drug and alcohol use, to manage their difficulties.

Some Prevalent Types of Mental Health Disorders


Depression is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders in the country. It manifests through symptoms that impact how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and copes with daily activities. Like other mental illnesses, depression can drive individuals to use alcohol and drugs as a way to manage their struggles. This can create a cyclical issue where substance use exacerbates their depression, leading to further reliance on drugs and alcohol.


Alongside depression, anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health challenges people face. There are various forms of anxiety that individuals may experience. Similar to depression, anxiety can push people toward using different substances, including alcohol and drugs.
One significant type of anxiety is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
PTSD is a serious condition that affects individuals who have experienced traumatic events. The causes of PTSD can include physical abuse, life-threatening situations, and more. Unfortunately, those suffering from PTSD often resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as drug and alcohol use, to escape the distressing emotions tied to their experiences.
These are just a few examples of the many mental disorders that can lead individuals down the path to addiction. Now that you have a better understanding of how mental health can influence substance abuse issues, let’s explore treatment options available for these individuals.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Understanding dual diagnosis and comorbidity is crucial when discussing and learning about drug and alcohol addiction treatment. The presence of a mental health disorder significantly influences how treatment is tailored for the patient. Although treatment methods may vary, some key components are likely to remain consistent, including detoxification, behavioral therapy, and intensive outpatient programs.


Medically supervised detoxification is a vital component of treatment. It aids patients in early recovery and addresses the short-term withdrawal symptoms associated with substance cessation. Detox is essential for ensuring that a patient can safely withdraw from their substance as they prepare for the subsequent stages of treatment.
Without undergoing a detox program, patients risk experiencing uncomfortable and potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

Behavioral Therapy

Throughout treatment, patients will engage in various therapeutic modalities, including cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and rational emotive behavior therapy, among others. These therapies help patients understand their addictions and the effects on themselves and their loved ones. They will also learn to commit to sobriety and identify specific triggers they may encounter. With the guidance of therapists, patients will develop strategies to cope with and overcome these triggers.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment

Intensive outpatient programs provide a way for patients to continue their care after completing a stay at a residential facility. Following inpatient treatment, many substance abuse centers create a discharge plan to help support patients in maintaining their sobriety.
If you suspect that a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, it’s essential to address the issue promptly.
Sunrise Recovery

Sunrise Recovery

For those seeking local support, Sunrise Recovery’s state-of-the-art drug and alcohol rehab centers in Indiana is ready to assist. Choosing a treatment center nearby can be more beneficial than you might expect. Local rehab enables patients to maintain contact with their loved ones during treatment, enhancing the effectiveness of therapies such as family counseling.

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